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Lockdown Self-portraits

(March - July 2020)
Acrylic on Canvas


The Lockdown Self-Portraits series documents my personal journey through the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each month from March to July 2020, I captured a different stage of my evolving experience in these acrylic paintings.

March: The first piece captures the initial shock and vigilance of the lockdown. With a tense expression and masked face, it reflects the heightened awareness and anxiety that came with the sudden shift.


April: In the April portrait, my eyes are closed in meditation—a response to the enforced solitude and inner reflection that lockdown demanded.


May: By May, the colours of my painting shift to convey resilience and individuality amidst the growing challenges. This self-portrait represents a pushback against isolation and a reclamation of identity.


June & July: Taking longer to complete, this final piece fuses vibrant greens and blues. It captures a more reflective state, as months of isolation give way to a sense of adaptability and quiet resolve. My gaze directly meets the viewer, encapsulating both resilience and fatigue as the pandemic stretched on.


Lockdown Self-Portraits explores the nuances of isolation, resilience, and personal growth in times of crisis. Through these works, I aimed to chronicle the psychological shifts brought on by a global event that blurred the lines between individual and collective experience.

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